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About Us

Birch+Fog happily offers an impressive range of Birch+Fog CBD products suitable for each unique needs. Their very own original products bring you the highest quality CBD right to your door. Moreover, they hold amazing Birch+Fog CBD products that adhere to the strictest quality control measures to keep the dosage and the purity perfect in every capsule, every time. Birch+Fog also introduces their new line of Ratio Tinctures, ideal for those needing extra help with sleep, pain relief, managing anxiety and depression, and an overall mood uplift. Available in 3 Ratios designed to aid in your specific needs, let the powerful duo of CBD and THC enhance your quality of life. Find out more about their Birch+Fog CBD products when you hop over to this page.



Address:   669 College St.
City/State: Toronto
Country:    Canada
Tele:    905-253-4056